Library Marketing Toolkit: Ned Potter

Steve speaks with Ned Potter, author of the Library Marketing Toolkit, and a librarian at the University of York Library.

Read the transcript.

Ned Potter works for the University of York Library, as an Academic Liaison Librarian in the Arts and Humanities; previous roles at the University of Leeds Library centered around Digitisation, including the JISC funded LIFE-SHARE Project.

He has a BA in Philosophy / English and an MA in Music, both from York, and an MSc in Information & Library Management, from Northumbria. In 2010 Ned founded LISNPN, a network for New Professionals in Librarianship which now has over 1600 members from 60 countries around the world. With Laura Woods he helped instigate the Echo Chamber movement to try and get library voices better heard beyond the profession, and set up the Library Routes Project to document the paths through librarianship of over 150 information professionals.

In 2011 he collaborated with 3 other librarians to set up the Buy India a Library project, which in just 2 weeks crowd-sourced funds enough to build a permanent library in one of the poorest parts of India, as well as four mobile libraries to travel around Africa. In one heady 24hr period later that year he was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker and a winner of a Special Libraries Association Early Career Conference Award.

Across 2011 Ned authored the Library Marketing Toolkit, published by Facet Publishing / Neal Schuman in 2012. It has been number 1 in Amazon’s Library charts on both sides of the Atlantic. The website to accompany the book, which also features a marketing blog, is at

In 2012 Ned became a trainer for the British Library and the UK Electronic Information Group, and has provided marketing expertise for diverse clients such as the Bodleian Libaries and the Latvian Ministry of Culture.

Ned enjoys drumming, and writing about himself in the third-person. His main website can be found at